OGO National Level Examination (NLE)

Science Olympiad

Skill Assessed with OGO Science Olympiad Examination

( For Classes - 1 to 10 )

problem solving
logical reasoning
data interpretation

Exam Pattern

  • Total 30 Questions
  • 5 questions based on Logical Reasoning
  • 20 questions based on Subject Knowledge
  • 5 questions based on Competency Enhancement
  • Total 40 questions
  • 8 questions based on Logical Reasoning
  • 25 questions based on Subject Knowledge out of which 5 questions will have 2-key answers
  • 7 questions based on Competency Enhancement
  • Total 50 questions
  • 10 questions based on Logical Reasoning
  • 30 questions based on Subject Knowledge, out of which 5 questions will have 2-key answers
  • 10 questions based on Competency Enhancement/PISA Based



My Body; My Family and Relatives; Food We Eat; Housing and Clothing; Good Habits, Safety Rules and First Aid; Living and Non-living Things; Animals with their Babies and Homes; Plants; Sun, Moon and Earth; Air, Water and Weather


Competency Enhancement

Same as chapters


Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial


My Body Parts; Family, Society and Festivals; Food, Housing and Clothing; Transport and Communication; Good Habits, Safety Rules and First Aid; Living and Non-living Things; Plants; Animals; Earth, Universe and Rocks; Air, Water and Weather


Competency Enhancement

Same as chapters


Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial


Plants; Animals and Birds; Human Body; Food and Food Chain; House and Occupation; Transport and Communication; Matter, Material and Motion; Earth and Universe; Air, Water and Weather; Light and Sound


Competency Enhancement

Same as chapters


Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial


Human Body; Food, Health and Hygiene; Plants; Animals and Birds; Ecosystem, Habitat and Adaptation; Matter and Materials; Weather and Air; Rocks to Soil; Solar System; Work, Energy and Force; Protecting the Environment


Competency Enhancement

Same as chapters


Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial


Plants; Animals and Birds; Human Body; Food, Health and Shelter; Matter and Materials; Air, Water and Weather; Space Science; Soil, Rock and Minerals; Environment and Natural Resources; Work, Force and Energy


Competency Enhancement

Same as chapters


Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial


Food and its Components; Fibre to Fabric; Sorting Materials into Groups; Separation of Substances; Changes Around Us; Getting to Know Plants; Body Movements; The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings; Motion and Measurement of Distances; Light, Shadows and Reflections; Electricity and Circuits; Fun with Magnets; Water and Air; Garbage In, Garbage Out


Competency Enhancement

Same as chapters


Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial


Nutrition in Plants; Nutrition in Animals; Fibre to Fabric; Heat; Acid, Base and Salts; Physical and Chemical Changes; Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate; Winds, Storms and Cyclones; Respiration in Organisms; Transportation in Animals and Plants; Reproduction in Plants; Motion and Time; Electric Current and its Effects; Light; Water: A Precious Resource; Forests: Our Lifeline


Competency Enhancement

Same as chapters


Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial


Crop Production and Management; Microorganisms: Friend and Foe; Synthetic Fibres and Plastics; Materials: Metals and Non-Metals; Coal and Petroleum; Combustion and Flame; Conservation of Plants and Animals; Cell – Structure and Functions; Reproduction; Force and Pressure; Friction; Sound and Light; Chemical Effects of Electric Current; Some Natural Phenomena; Stars and the Solar System; Pollution of Air and Water


Competency Enhancement

Same as chapters


Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial


Matter in Our Surroundings; Is matter around us Pure?; Atoms and Molecules; Structure of the Atom; The Fundamental Unit of Life; Tissues; Diversity in Living Organisms; Motion; Force and Laws of Motion; Gravitation; Work and Energy; Sound; Why do We Fall Ill?; Natural Resources; Improvement in Food Resources

Competency Enhancement

Same as chapters

Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial


Chemical Reactions and Equations; Acids, Bases and Salts; Metals and Non-metals; Carbon and its Compounds; Periodic Classification of Elements; Life Processes; Control and Coordination; How do Organisms Reproduce?; Heredity and Evolution; Light – Reflection and Refraction; The Human Eye and the Colourful World; Electricity; Magnetic Effects of Electric Current; Sources of Energy; Our Environment; Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

Competency Enhancement

Same as chapters

Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial

Important Dates

( School Level Examination )

To be declared