Class 5 Quiz 1

Welcome to your Class 5 Quiz 1

The Diameter of a circle whose radius is 7 cm is ?

The Garkha________ Fought a fierce battle against the enemies.

Kindness is ________ Noun.

Any Qualities, feelings or ideas are referred to be

MalalaYousafzai, the Pakistani, schoolgirl who defied the Taliban, won the Nobel Peace Prize for 2015 jointly with an Indian Children's Rights Activist. Who is he?

The USA had broken ties with this Carribean country in 1961. The former US President, Barack Obama, made a historic visit to this country to re-establish ties. Which country is it?

Which of the following countries has become the newest member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)?

This organisation was instituted on January 1, 2015, replacing the 65-year old Planning Commission. Its job is to advise the government on social and economic issues. What is this organisation called?

Which of the following players is the only player to represent India in chess and cricket?

What is the national dance form of india?

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